When active the employee has a small chance (~5%) each turn to find an infraction for another employee. When active removes that character’s HR effectiveness drop per turn. – HR employees now lower team efficiency at the same rate as other employees (default -1%/turn) – Business now has standard_efficiency_drop variable, which determines how much each employee reduces efficiency by each turn. set at turn start, updated to new value at the very end). Now has constant effect throughout turn calculations (ie. – Changed internal company efficiency mechanics. Generates an additional 25% production, lowers Happiness by 2 per turn. – Reworked bureaurcratic nightmare policy into a Duty (unlocked with a policy) (automatically applied when job is given). – Reworked head researcher bonus research effect as Duty.

– Work experience now affects expected salary. – Added starting work experience stats for all existing characters. An employee can have a number of duties equal to this stat. – Added Work Experience stat (ranges from 1 to 5?). – Added ability to check current duties from girl overview UI. Duties can be set when an employee is hired, and can be changed at most once per day. Mandatory duties are added automatically, available duties are available for you to distribute. – Added mandatory and available duties lists to Job class. A Duty is a single task or responsibility that someone might have as part of their job.

V0.50.2. Do not bother if you got it from somewhere. Fixes the date crashes, city rep interaction crashes, and miscellaneous breast-related crashes.